​pi Day is celebrated on March 14th!
(Since we don't have school that day, we will celebrate March 12th.)


pi is a special mathematical number.  It represents the relationship between a circle's circumference to its diameter.  You can take the diameter of a circle and wrap it around a circle pi number of times.  Many people abbreviate pi to three digits, 3.14, but it is an irrational number which means its decimals go on forever without repeating.  Since it is a number we often use in math class, I enjoy celebrating pi day with my students by doing a pi activity and eating pie.  


Some common formulas for round objects that use pi:

Circumference = pi * d

Area of a circle = pi * r2

Volume of a sphere = 4/3 * pi * r3






For ​the Algebra 1 students, we will explore the meaning of pi by measuring the circumference of round objects.  They will then compare the circumference to the diameter and find their own value of pi.




For the Algebra 2 class this year, the students will start by making pi shirts to wear on pi day.  The shirt must have a math concept, a famous mathematician, Albert Einstein (whose birthday just happens to be March 14th), or just simply the digits of pi.  They also must be legible and presentable.  I am hoping to display pictures on this site for people to view and potentially vote for their favorite shirt.  (See pi shirts under Pictures on the top left side.)

On pi day, they will explore the meaning of pi by looking at the area of round objects.



For ​my upper level class, they will research the best method to solve pi, and then they will calculate it correctly to at least 7 digits.  Their hard work will hang in the hallway for all to see...even though many will not understand.  :)  

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<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FiajFs0mOdSkVEViI2nGIZ4EAywoNbd51yJf_OjHBtA/viewform?embedded=true" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>









 pi 2.tiff



3/14/2013 12:00 AM pi Day Celebration 


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